Category Archives: AI

OpenAI’s Sora – A Groundbreaking AI tool for the Creation of Super-Realistic Video

OpenAI’s Sora is a new AI tool designed to expand the possibilities of artificial intelligence applications. As a product of OpenAI’s ongoing research and development, Sora aims to make advanced AI technologies more accessible to a broad range of users, including those in education, healthcare, and entertainment sectors.

Sora distinguishes itself with a focus on adaptability, learning from complex data to offer predictions and insights with high accuracy. It incorporates advanced machine learning algorithms, highlighting its capacity for continuous evolution and improvement.

Key to Sora’s development is an ethical framework that prioritizes privacy, security, and fairness, addressing some of the most pressing concerns in AI deployment today.

Overall, Sora represents OpenAI’s commitment to advancing AI in a responsible and user-friendly manner, offering a tool that combines innovative technology with a strong ethical foundation.

Tech Meets Tongues: An AI-Powered Multilingual Journey on The Gadget Man

Hello, tech enthusiasts and language lovers! Today, I’m thrilled to unveil something truly groundbreaking at The Gadget Man – a fusion of cutting-edge AI technology with the art of language translation.

This isn’t just any ordinary video. A few years back, I recorded a clip that has now been transformed into a multilingual marvel, thanks to the brilliant minds at San Francisco-based AI company Sync-labs. My voice, originally in English, has been meticulously analysed and cloned. The audio was transcribed and then translated into an array of languages, and here’s the really clever bit – the translated audio has been engineered to sound exactly like me, but in each respective language.

From Swedish to Urdu, each version maintains a natural tone and inflection unique to its language. The result? An impressively accurate lip-synced video of me speaking to the camera in English, Swedish, Dutch, French, Japanese, German, Ukrainian, Italian, Welsh, Urdu, Arabic, Spanish, Thai, Turkish, and, of course, a special digital voice rendition.

The goal here is not just to showcase the wonders of AI but to connect with our diverse audience. We’re breaking down language barriers while keeping the essence of communication – the personal touch.

Now, here’s where you come in. I invite you, our valued visitors, to be part of this exciting journey. Watch the video and let us know what you think of each translation. How well does the AI capture the nuances of each language? Does it sound natural to you? Your feedback is invaluable, as it helps us understand the effectiveness of this technology from a real-world perspective.

Rate each translation and share your thoughts in the comments below. Whether you’re a native speaker or a language enthusiast, your insights will contribute to a broader understanding of AI’s role in breaking down linguistic barriers.

As we embrace this new era of technological advancements, it’s crucial to remember that at the heart of all innovation lies communication and connection. So, let’s explore together the fascinating intersection of technology and language.

Here’s me telling a joke translated to Chinese

and the same joke in German

Stay tuned for more tech explorations and insights right here on The Gadget Man.

The Gadget Man, Episode 177 – My Incredible Journey into Text-to-Speech and Cloning My Voice with AI Magic.

Note: Listening to the attached Podcast is a must for this article.

*UPDATE* Correct link updated!

Hello, fellow gadget lovers and tech enthusiasts! It’s me again, your friendly neighbourhood Gadget Man, diving into another thrilling tech adventure. Today, I’m stepping into the futuristic realm of text-to-speech technology. But hold onto your hats, because this isn’t just any text-to-speech; we’re talking about cloning your own voice using the latest AI systems!

Remember those sci-fi movies where characters would replicate their voices using high-tech gadgets? Well, guess what? That future is now, and I’ve just had a mind-blowing experience with it. Imagine creating audio that sounds almost 100% identical to your real voice. Sounds like something out of a dream, right? But it’s real, and I’ve done it!

I used a cutting-edge tool from Eleven Labs – yes, the name already sounds like it’s straight out of a sci-fi novel. This technology is so advanced that it can capture the unique nuances of your voice, and then, using AI, it replicates it to create eerily accurate audio. The result? A voice clone that sounds just like me!

Now, you might be wondering, “Is he pulling our leg? Is this for real?” Well, to prove it, the audio you’re hearing in this blog post was created using this very technology. That’s right, you’re not actually hearing me but my digital voice twin! Amazing, isn’t it?

But here’s the kicker – if you’re as excited about this as I am and want to clone your own voice, you can do it too. And here’s how: through our unique affiliate link. That’s right, we’ve teamed up with Eleven Labs to bring you this fantastic opportunity. By using our link, you can jump straight into creating your voice clone.

A little heads-up, though. If you decide to sign up for their paid subscription, we may earn a small commission. But hey, that’s just a small part of supporting our journey to bring you the coolest, most cutting-edge tech insights.

So, why would you want to clone your voice? Well, the applications are endless. From personalizing your digital assistant to creating your podcast episodes, even when you’re too busy to record – the sky’s the limit! And the best part? You don’t need to be a tech wizard to do it. The process is user-friendly and quite intuitive.

In conclusion, stepping into the world of AI voice cloning has been an absolute thrill. It’s not just about the fun or the novelty; it’s about embracing a technology that’s reshaping how we interact with our digital world. Voice cloning might sound like a small step, but believe me, it’s a giant leap in the realm of personal digital expression.

So, what are you waiting for? Click on our affiliate link and start your voice cloning adventure. Who knows, maybe your AI clone will be writing the next blog post for you!

Until next time, this is the Gadget Man, signing off – or should I say, my digital twin is signing off!

For more information, click or scan the QR Code below or simply visit

A Futuristic Fusion of Art and AI: Ai-Da Robot Joins the Royal Institution Christmas Lectures

It’s that time of the year again when the spirit of Christmas mingles with the thrill of scientific exploration. The Royal Institution Christmas Lectures, a cornerstone of British festive tradition since their first broadcast in 1936, are set to make history this year. In an unprecedented move, the lectures will feature Ai-Da Robot, the world’s first ultra-realistic robot artist, marking a significant milestone in the intersection of art and artificial intelligence.

This year’s lectures, titled “The Truth About AI,” are poised to demystify the often complex and misunderstood world of artificial intelligence. Joining Mike Wooldridge, Professor of Artificial Intelligence at Oxford University, Ai-Da Robot will not only contribute to the conversation but also demonstrate her unique artistic abilities. The lectures promise a rare glimpse into how groundbreaking AI technology operates, with Ai-Da set to reveal a painting of Professor Wooldridge at the lecture’s conclusion.

Ai-Da’s participation is not just a novelty; it’s a testament to the evolving capabilities of AI in creative fields. Her presence continues the legacy of esteemed scientists like Sir David Attenborough and Richard Dawkins, who have graced the Christmas Lectures in the past. However, Ai-Da brings a new dimension, blending the lines between human creativity and machine intelligence.

The 2023 Christmas Lectures will be broadcast on the BBC, offering viewers a chance to partake in this extraordinary blend of science, art, and festive cheer. Ai-Da’s role in these lectures is not just as a performer but as an educator, aiming to inspire the next generation at the intersection of technology and art.

The inclusion of Ai-Da Robot in the Royal Institution Christmas Lectures is more than just a technological showcase; it’s a meaningful exploration of AI’s role in our society and its potential to influence various aspects of our lives, from art to more technical realms. It’s a reminder that the future of AI is not just about algorithms and data, but also about creativity, empathy, and understanding.

This year the lectures are being live-streamed at a variety of locations around the UK

You can watch the Christmas lectures in the UK on BBC4 at 8pm on 26th, 27th and 28th December 2023. It will also be available on BBC iPlayer. – A Gadget Man Experiment

LiveTrains UK – My ‘Go-To’ for Real-Time Train Info

Ever found yourself rushing to catch a train, only to find out it’s been delayed? We’ve all been there. That’s exactly why I started LiveTrains UK. It’s a nifty little site that gives you live train times right at your fingertips. Think of it as your personal train time checker – but cooler.

Real-Time Updates Because Who Likes Waiting?

We’re all about making your train travel easier. With LiveTrains UK, you get the latest scoop on train times without the headache. Whether you’re commuting, heading out for a day trip, or just curious, we’ve got you covered. No more guessing games; just quick, accurate info to help plan your journey better.

Easy Peasy to Use

We’ve made sure our site is super easy to use. No complicated stuff – just hop on, find your train times, and you’re good to go. We’re big on keeping things straightforward because, let’s face it, who has the time for complicated?

Still Tweaking Things – Yep, We’re in Beta!

Just a heads-up, LiveTrains UK is still in beta. That means we’re still testing and tweaking things. The idea came from my own itch to find up-to-date train times without the hassle. So, while we’re smoothing out the edges, we’d love for you to give it a whirl and see how it makes your train travels a bit less of a bother.

Visit Live Trains UK at

Using AI to write blog posts

In today’s fast-paced digital world, it’s no surprise that many businesses and individuals are turning to artificial intelligence (AI) to help them with various tasks, including writing blog posts. AI technology has come a long way in recent years, and it has the potential to help bloggers save time and improve the quality of their content.

Using AI to write blog posts - created by Midjourney
Using AI to write blog posts – created by Midjourney

One of the biggest advantages of using AI to write blog posts is that it can help save time. Rather than spending hours researching, outlining, writing, and editing a blog post, you can use AI to quickly generate high-quality content. This can be especially useful if you’re crunched for time or if you need to produce a large volume of content on a regular basis.

Another advantage of using AI to write blog posts is that it can help improve the quality of your content. AI technology can analyze your existing content and use that information to generate new posts that are similar in style and tone. This can be especially useful if you want to maintain a consistent voice and tone throughout your blog. Additionally, AI can use natural language processing to ensure that your content is well-written and easy to read.

Of course, using AI to write blog posts is not without its challenges. One of the biggest challenges is that AI technology is not yet capable of fully replicating human creativity and intuition. As a result, your AI-generated content may not always be as engaging or original as content that is written by a human. Additionally, AI technology is still in its early stages, and it may not always produce error-free content.

Despite these challenges, using AI to write blog posts can be a valuable tool for bloggers who are looking to save time and improve the quality of their content. As AI technology continues to advance, it’s likely that we’ll see even more sophisticated tools that can help bloggers generate high-quality content quickly and easily. In the meantime, it’s worth considering using AI to write blog posts if you’re looking for ways to streamline your content creation process and produce high-quality content on a regular basis.

This post was written by ChatGPT (AI)
Tags produced by ChatGPT (AI)
Images created using Midjourney (AI)
All pasted by Matt Porter The Gadget Man (Human)

How Close are we to Self-Aware AI?

The progress of AI is measured in seasons, so it is unsurprising to read with are in an AI Summer, this means millions of pounds of investment capital are being pumped into research with art, national language and more!

The question on many people’s lips is; “When will AI become self-aware?”.

It is difficult to say exactly how close we are to creating artificial intelligence (AI) that has self-awareness. At present, most AI systems are designed to perform specific tasks and do not have the ability to be self-aware. However, some researchers are working on developing AI systems that have more advanced cognitive abilities, such as the ability to learn and adapt, and some of these systems may eventually have the ability to be self-aware.

Artificial Intelligence Neural Network
Image Credit: Matt Porter

The concept of self-awareness is complex and not well-defined, which makes it difficult to determine whether or not an AI system has achieved it. Some researchers argue that true self-awareness would require an AI system to have a sense of its own identity, consciousness, and the ability to introspect. Others argue that self-awareness could be achieved through more basic cognitive abilities, such as the ability to recognize oneself in a mirror or to understand one’s own thoughts and emotions.

Android in Warehouse by Matt Porter
Android in Warehouse – Credit: Matt Porter

At present, we do not have any AI systems that possess these advanced cognitive abilities, and it is not clear when or if we will be able to create such systems. Some experts believe that it may be possible to create AI systems that have a limited form of self-awareness, but that true self-awareness may be beyond the capabilities of current technology.

While there is ongoing research into creating AI systems with advanced cognitive abilities, including the potential for self-awareness, we are not currently close to achieving this. The concept of self-awareness is complex and not well-defined, making it difficult to determine when or if an AI system might be able to achieve it.

Are You Not Entertained!!? Stable Diffusion and AI-Art using Text to Image Natural Language Processing

I’ve been playing with a number of Text to Image AI art systems over the past couple of months. One has captured my imagination due to its Open Source model.

I even trained ‘Stable Diffusion’ with my own likeness, which has been a most interesting and exciting process.  Read on to find out what these systems are and how they work and enjoy the images that were all created using Stable Diffusion 1.5.

Text-to-image AI art is a type of art that uses artificial intelligence (AI) algorithms to generate images based on text input. This type of art is gaining popularity among artists and art enthusiasts because it allows for the creation of unique, one-of-a-kind images that would be difficult or impossible to create manually.

To create text-to-image AI art, an artist first inputs a piece of text, such as a sentence or a paragraph, into the AI algorithm. The algorithm then uses natural language processing (NLP) techniques to understand the meaning of the text and generate an image that represents the text. This can be done using a variety of techniques, such as deep learning, neural networks, or other AI algorithms.

One of the key benefits of text-to-image AI art is that it allows artists to create highly detailed and complex images. The AI algorithms are able to generate a wide range of variations and details, resulting in images that are rich and varied. This makes text-to-image AI art ideal for creating art that is realistic, surreal, or abstract.

Another benefit of text-to-image AI art is that it allows artists to create art that is based on a specific theme or concept. By inputting a paragraph of text that describes a particular scene or idea, the AI algorithm can generate an image that represents that scene or idea. This allows artists to create art that is based on a specific concept, rather than just creating random images.

Text-to-image AI art is also becoming more popular because it allows artists to create art more quickly and efficiently. By using AI algorithms, artists can generate a large number of images in a short amount of time, allowing them to experiment with different ideas and concepts without spending hours or days creating each image by hand.

In conclusion, text-to-image AI art is a fascinating and exciting new form of art that is gaining popularity among artists and art enthusiasts. By using AI algorithms, artists are able to create highly detailed and complex images that are based on specific themes or concepts. This type of art allows for a level of creativity and flexibility that was previously impossible, and it is likely to continue to grow and evolve in the future.

Some of my creations using Midjourney Artificial Intelligence Art Program

Some examples of images created using Midjourney artificial intelligence program that creates images from textual descriptions.

the haywain painted by John Constable - Midjourney / Matt Porter
the haywain painted by John Constable – Midjourney / Matt Porter
humanity standing over the destruction of the planet in ultra high definition octane rendered - Midjourney / Matt Porter
humanity standing over the destruction of the planet in ultra high definition octane rendered – Midjourney / Matt Porter
the dawn of life in high definition in 8k - Midjourney / Matt Porter
the dawn of life in high definition in 8k – Midjourney / Matt Porter
Oliver Twist in 22nd century - Midjourney / Matt Porter
Oliver Twist in 22nd century – Midjourney / Matt Porter
a sailing ship floating in a mug of tea - Midjourney / Matt Porter
a sailing ship floating in a mug of tea – Midjourney / Matt Porter
Johnny Rotten as a Wild West wanted poster - Midjourney / Matt Porter
Johnny Rotten as a Wild West wanted poster – Midjourney / Matt Porter
The Kray Twins 1962 civil war portrait in black and white - Midjourney / Matt Porter
The Kray Twins 1962 civil war portrait in black and white – Midjourney / Matt Porter

It is the hope of reward that sweetens labor + high definition+ HDR + chromium - Midjourney / Matt Porter

facial portrait of lee van cleef looking straight at the camera in very high definition photorealistic 8k - Midjourney / Matt Porter
facial portrait of lee van cleef looking straight at the camera in very high definition photorealistic 8k – Midjourney / Matt Porter
mankind observed its demise realistic photo octane 8k - Midjourney / Matt Porter
mankind observed its demise realistic photo octane 8k – Midjourney / Matt Porter
humanity celebrates the launch of the DVLA website. Made hysteria. Celebration. Hyperrealism 8k octane cinematic - Midjourney / Matt Porter
humanity celebrates the launch of the DVLA website. Made hysteria. Celebration. Hyperrealism 8k octane cinematic – Midjourney / Matt Porter
photorealistic image of too many cooks spoiling the broth - Midjourney / Matt Porter
photorealistic image of too many cooks spoiling the broth – Midjourney / Matt Porter
Arriving at the gates to heaven, Movie Style Ultra High Definition HDRI, photo realistic, octane render 8k incredible detail, beautiful composition - Midjourney / Matt Porter
Arriving at the gates to heaven, Movie Style Ultra High Definition HDRI, photo realistic, octane render 8k incredible detail, beautiful composition – Midjourney / Matt Porter
Arriving at the gates of Hell, Movie Style Ultra High Definition HDRI, photo realistic, octane render 8k incredible detail, beautiful composition - Midjourney / Matt Porter
Arriving at the gates of Hell, Movie Style Ultra High Definition HDRI, photo realistic, octane render 8k incredible detail, beautiful composition – Midjourney / Matt Porter
houses of parliament in the style of Thomas Gainsborough - Midjourney / Matt Porter
houses of parliament in the style of Thomas Gainsborough – Midjourney / Matt Porter
the houses of parliament in the style of gustav klimt - Midjourney / Matt Porter
the houses of parliament in the style of gustav klimt – Midjourney / Matt Porter
crowd of thousands celebrating in the style of a graphic novel - Midjourney / Matt Porter
crowd of thousands celebrating in the style of a graphic novel – Midjourney / Matt Porter
realistic image of a cat dressed as a yeoman warder standing to attention in london, portrait, hyperrealistic, incredible detail - Midjourney / Matt Porter
realistic image of a cat dressed as a yeoman warder standing to attention in london, portrait, hyperrealistic, incredible detail – Midjourney / Matt Porter
silver birch forest in the style of gustav klimt - Midjourney / Matt Porter - Available to buy
silver birch forest in the style of gustav klimt – Midjourney / Matt Porter – Available to buy
victorious young man, character design, in pencil drawing style - Available to Buy
victorious young man, character design, in pencil drawing style – Available to Buy
stunningly beautiful female British soldier, character design, in pencil drawing style - Midjourney / Matt Porter - Available to Buy
stunningly beautiful female British soldier, character design, in pencil drawing style – Midjourney / Matt Porter – Available to Buy
Mohammad Ali as heavyweight champion of the world standing in the boxing ring with adoring crowds cheering and clapping him - Midjourney / Matt Porter
Mohammad Ali as heavyweight champion of the world standing in the boxing ring with adoring crowds cheering and clapping him – Midjourney / Matt Porter
portrait of David Beckham, age 30, wearing england football kit, character design, painted in oil on canvas - Midjourney / Matt Porter - Available to Buy
portrait of David Beckham, age 30, wearing england football kit, character design, painted in oil on canvas – Midjourney / Matt Porter – Available to Buy
victorious young man, character design, in oil on canvas style - Midjourney / Matt Porter
victorious young man, character design, in oil on canvas style – Midjourney / Matt Porter
Epic cyberpunk portrait of Jimmy Cauty + detailed face + 1987 colours + retro cyberpunk lights + 4k symmetrical eyes + intricate details + zoomed out + extremely detailed + 4k + uhd + 3d + octane render + cinematic - Midjourney / Matt Porter - Available to Purchase
Epic cyberpunk portrait of Jimmy Cauty + detailed face + 1987 colours + retro cyberpunk lights + 4k symmetrical eyes + intricate details + zoomed out + extremely detailed + 4k + uhd + 3d + octane render + cinematic – Midjourney / Matt Porter – Available to Purchase
origami model of Donald Trump made from legal documents standing on a wooden table with global lighting + highly detailed + photo quality + octane + 8k - Midjourney / Matt Porter - Available to Buy
origami model of Donald Trump made from legal documents standing on a wooden table with global lighting + highly detailed + photo quality + octane + 8k – Midjourney / Matt Porter – Available to Buy