Tag Archives: Influence

A Futuristic Fusion of Art and AI: Ai-Da Robot Joins the Royal Institution Christmas Lectures

It’s that time of the year again when the spirit of Christmas mingles with the thrill of scientific exploration. The Royal Institution Christmas Lectures, a cornerstone of British festive tradition since their first broadcast in 1936, are set to make history this year. In an unprecedented move, the lectures will feature Ai-Da Robot, the world’s first ultra-realistic robot artist, marking a significant milestone in the intersection of art and artificial intelligence.

This year’s lectures, titled “The Truth About AI,” are poised to demystify the often complex and misunderstood world of artificial intelligence. Joining Mike Wooldridge, Professor of Artificial Intelligence at Oxford University, Ai-Da Robot will not only contribute to the conversation but also demonstrate her unique artistic abilities. The lectures promise a rare glimpse into how groundbreaking AI technology operates, with Ai-Da set to reveal a painting of Professor Wooldridge at the lecture’s conclusion.

Ai-Da’s participation is not just a novelty; it’s a testament to the evolving capabilities of AI in creative fields. Her presence continues the legacy of esteemed scientists like Sir David Attenborough and Richard Dawkins, who have graced the Christmas Lectures in the past. However, Ai-Da brings a new dimension, blending the lines between human creativity and machine intelligence.

The 2023 Christmas Lectures will be broadcast on the BBC, offering viewers a chance to partake in this extraordinary blend of science, art, and festive cheer. Ai-Da’s role in these lectures is not just as a performer but as an educator, aiming to inspire the next generation at the intersection of technology and art.

The inclusion of Ai-Da Robot in the Royal Institution Christmas Lectures is more than just a technological showcase; it’s a meaningful exploration of AI’s role in our society and its potential to influence various aspects of our lives, from art to more technical realms. It’s a reminder that the future of AI is not just about algorithms and data, but also about creativity, empathy, and understanding.

This year the lectures are being live-streamed at a variety of locations around the UK

You can watch the Christmas lectures in the UK on BBC4 at 8pm on 26th, 27th and 28th December 2023. It will also be available on BBC iPlayer.

Gadget Man – Episode 122 – Are We Influenced By Movies And Media?

Last week, I spoke with James Hazell on BBC Radio Suffolk about the new film classifications and how they can be applied to online video streaming sites.

I also discussed YouTube’s ban on videos that contain or encourage dangerous pranks that endanger people or could cause harm to people copying them.

BBFC Ratings
BBFC has revised it’s classifications

Following a public consultancy of more than 10,000 people, the BBFC (British Board of Film Classification) has now revised its classifications to make it more consistent across platforms, including online services.

David Austin, Chief Executive Officer at the BBFC, said: “Over the last five years the way we consume film and video has changed beyond all recognition. That’s why it’s so important that there is consistency between what people watch on and offline.  The research shows that parents and teenagers want us to give them the information and guidance that they need to view what’s right for them.

We’re here to listen to what people want, which is why they trust our age ratings.  So it’s encouraging to know that we’ve been classifying content in line with what people want and expect when it comes to difficult themes around credible real life scenarios. We also know that people are more comfortable with issues such as action violence, if it’s in a way that they are expecting – such as a Bond or Bourne film. We are updating our standards around depictions of sexual violence and very strong sex references to reflect changes in public attitudes.”

Image Credit: Netflix
A scene from Bird Box – Image Credit: Netflix

In discussing YouTube enforcing rules banning videos which either put people in danger or promoted acts which might lead people copying those acts to either suffer harm or place others in danger, we discussed recent movies such as the Netflix production; Birdbox which led some people to challenge others to go about day-to-day activities whilst blindfolded and may have led a driver in the US to become involved in a motor vehicle accident.

Trinity and Neo from The Matrix
Trinity and Neo from The Matrix – Image Credit: The Wachowskis / Silver Pictures / Warner Bros

On a lighter note, I owned up to buying a pair of ‘Neo from the Matrix’ inspired sunglasses and my continuing search for ‘The Dude’s Cardigan’ from The Big Lebowski.

The Big Lebowski
The Big Lebowski – Image Credit: The Coen Brothers / Working Title Films

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