Tag Archives: Media

Global Windows Crash Crisis: The Crowdstrike Falcon Update Fiasco

Earlier today, a significant issue has come to light affecting Windows users globally. CrowdStrike’s Falcon sensor update for Windows hosts has led to widespread system crashes, commonly known as the “blue screen of death” (BSOD). This disruption has impacted critical sectors across the globe, including transport, banking, and media.

What Happened?

The latest content update from CrowdStrike for its Falcon sensor, designed to enhance security measures, inadvertently introduced a defect. This defect has caused systems to crash, triggering BSOD errors. Users began experiencing these problems shortly after the update was deployed, leading to a flurry of reports and concerns from various industries dependent on uninterrupted system operations.

Affected Areas

The fallout from this update has been extensive. Industries such as transport have seen operational disruptions, banking systems have faced downtime affecting transactions, and media outlets have struggled with system reliability. This has not only caused inconvenience but has also raised concerns about the stability and reliability of critical cybersecurity tools.

Cloudstrike Statement
Cloudstrike Statement

CrowdStrike’s Response

In response to the crisis, CrowdStrike has issued a statement acknowledging the problem and detailing their steps to mitigate the issue. They have provided guidelines for affected users to stabilise their systems and are working on a resolution to prevent further incidents. CrowdStrike’s team is actively investigating the root cause and is committed to restoring normal operations as swiftly as possible.

What to Do If You’re Affected

Users experiencing issues are advised to follow CrowdStrike’s interim measures to disable the problematic update and revert to a stable version of the Falcon sensor. Detailed instructions are available on CrowdStrike’s official blog, ensuring that users can manage their systems and mitigate the immediate impact while a permanent fix is developed.

For ongoing updates and support, affected users are encouraged to stay in touch with CrowdStrike’s customer service and monitor their communication channels.


This incident underscores the critical importance of robust update testing and rapid response mechanisms in cybersecurity. While CrowdStrike’s proactive measures are a step in the right direction, the incident highlights the need for vigilance and preparedness in handling unforeseen software issues.

For more detailed information, you can visit the official statement from CrowdStrike here.

Global Windows Crash Crisis: Crowdstrike Falcon Sensor Update “Defect” Disrupts Key Sectors Worldwide

Today, I’m addressing a significant issue affecting numerous Windows users worldwide. Reports have emerged of widespread crashes, commonly referred to as the “blue screen of death,” impacting various critical sectors, from transportation to banking and media.

I spoke with Sarah Julian at BBC Radio WM about the worldwide problems that continue to persist

Understanding the Issue:

The root cause of these crashes has been traced back to an overnight software update for CrowdStrike’s Falcon Sensor. For those unfamiliar, Falcon Sensor is a security tool designed to act as a sentinel for your computer, monitoring and protecting against malicious activities. A single corrupted system file from this update is causing Windows systems to crash upon booting.

Why This Matters:

Windows holds a substantial market share, with 72% of global computers running this operating system. The automatic update to Falcon Sensor has inadvertently introduced a fault, leading to these severe crashes. The update, once applied, seems to corrupt system functionality, causing the dreaded blue screen on countless machines.

Impact Across Sectors:

The ripple effect of this issue is profound. The update has disrupted services across various sectors:

  • Transportation: Both train and plane operations have been hampered.
  • Banking: Financial institutions are facing operational challenges, with payment systems affected.
  • Media: Broadcast systems have been affected, causing interruptions, including Sky News and CBBC.
  • Healthcare: NHS GP surgery systems are impacted, with reports of doctors having to handwrite prescriptions.
  • Emergency Services: Even essential services like emergency call centres have not been spared.
  • Airports: Airports, including Birmingham Airport, have reported issues with check-in services, and operations at the Port of Dover are also impacted.

Al Lakhani, CEO of IDEE, said:

“Many people might be thanking Microsoft for their accidental day off, but countless businesses are suffering due to Microsoft’s and their partners’ failure to maintain their services. This incident underscores the importance of businesses thoroughly researching and vetting their cybersecurity solutions before implementation. Microsoft clearly fell short in this regard, and we are witnessing a cascade of operational failures around the world as a result.”

“CrowdStrike’s platform approach, which relies on a single agent focused on detection, might seem good at first glance, but as we can see, it can create significant issues. For instance, agents require installation and maintenance of software on multiple different OSes, adding layers of complexity and potential points of failure. Moreover, agents can become a single point of failure, as a bad update can compromise the entire network, as seen with the SolarWinds attack.

“The lesson here is blindingly obvious: investing in cybersecurity is not just about acquiring the latest or most popular tools but ensuring those tools are reliable and resilient. This is why businesses must prioritise agentless solutions like MFA 2.0, which reduce the risk of widespread failures and ensure more resilient defences.”

Cloudstrike Falcon Sensor Blue Screen of Death BSOD Global Outage
Cloudstrike Falcon Sensor Blue Screen of Death BSOD Global Outage

Current Status and Actions:

Microsoft has acknowledged the problem and stated that a fix is in place. However, this does not immediately rectify the situation for all affected devices. Many computers remain non-functional, and a manual fix may be required. One proposed solution involves removing the corrupted update link to restore system operations.

Security Concerns:

This incident raises critical questions about our reliance on third-party providers and the level of access they have to our systems. The Falcon Sensor update had kernel-level access, the deepest level of system access, which allowed it to cause such widespread disruption.

Tech Alert Windows Crashes Related to Falcon Server
Tech Alert Windows Crashes Related to Falcon Server

Moving Forward:

As we navigate this challenging situation, it’s essential to stay informed and take proactive steps to secure our systems. Further updates will be provided as new information becomes available and solutions are implemented.

For now, if you’re experiencing issues, consult with your IT department or follow the suggested manual fix to remove the problematic update. Manual intervention is likely to be needed to address the corrupted system file causing the crashes. Stay vigilant and prioritise your system’s security.

Gadget Man – Episode 122 – Are We Influenced By Movies And Media?

Last week, I spoke with James Hazell on BBC Radio Suffolk about the new film classifications and how they can be applied to online video streaming sites.

I also discussed YouTube’s ban on videos that contain or encourage dangerous pranks that endanger people or could cause harm to people copying them.

BBFC Ratings
BBFC has revised it’s classifications

Following a public consultancy of more than 10,000 people, the BBFC (British Board of Film Classification) has now revised its classifications to make it more consistent across platforms, including online services.

David Austin, Chief Executive Officer at the BBFC, said: “Over the last five years the way we consume film and video has changed beyond all recognition. That’s why it’s so important that there is consistency between what people watch on and offline.  The research shows that parents and teenagers want us to give them the information and guidance that they need to view what’s right for them.

We’re here to listen to what people want, which is why they trust our age ratings.  So it’s encouraging to know that we’ve been classifying content in line with what people want and expect when it comes to difficult themes around credible real life scenarios. We also know that people are more comfortable with issues such as action violence, if it’s in a way that they are expecting – such as a Bond or Bourne film. We are updating our standards around depictions of sexual violence and very strong sex references to reflect changes in public attitudes.”

Image Credit: Netflix
A scene from Bird Box – Image Credit: Netflix

In discussing YouTube enforcing rules banning videos which either put people in danger or promoted acts which might lead people copying those acts to either suffer harm or place others in danger, we discussed recent movies such as the Netflix production; Birdbox which led some people to challenge others to go about day-to-day activities whilst blindfolded and may have led a driver in the US to become involved in a motor vehicle accident.

Trinity and Neo from The Matrix
Trinity and Neo from The Matrix – Image Credit: The Wachowskis / Silver Pictures / Warner Bros

On a lighter note, I owned up to buying a pair of ‘Neo from the Matrix’ inspired sunglasses and my continuing search for ‘The Dude’s Cardigan’ from The Big Lebowski.

The Big Lebowski
The Big Lebowski – Image Credit: The Coen Brothers / Working Title Films

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