Tag Archives: Customer service

Global Windows Crash Crisis: The Crowdstrike Falcon Update Fiasco

Earlier today, a significant issue has come to light affecting Windows users globally. CrowdStrike’s Falcon sensor update for Windows hosts has led to widespread system crashes, commonly known as the “blue screen of death” (BSOD). This disruption has impacted critical sectors across the globe, including transport, banking, and media.

What Happened?

The latest content update from CrowdStrike for its Falcon sensor, designed to enhance security measures, inadvertently introduced a defect. This defect has caused systems to crash, triggering BSOD errors. Users began experiencing these problems shortly after the update was deployed, leading to a flurry of reports and concerns from various industries dependent on uninterrupted system operations.

Affected Areas

The fallout from this update has been extensive. Industries such as transport have seen operational disruptions, banking systems have faced downtime affecting transactions, and media outlets have struggled with system reliability. This has not only caused inconvenience but has also raised concerns about the stability and reliability of critical cybersecurity tools.

Cloudstrike Statement
Cloudstrike Statement

CrowdStrike’s Response

In response to the crisis, CrowdStrike has issued a statement acknowledging the problem and detailing their steps to mitigate the issue. They have provided guidelines for affected users to stabilise their systems and are working on a resolution to prevent further incidents. CrowdStrike’s team is actively investigating the root cause and is committed to restoring normal operations as swiftly as possible.

What to Do If You’re Affected

Users experiencing issues are advised to follow CrowdStrike’s interim measures to disable the problematic update and revert to a stable version of the Falcon sensor. Detailed instructions are available on CrowdStrike’s official blog, ensuring that users can manage their systems and mitigate the immediate impact while a permanent fix is developed.

For ongoing updates and support, affected users are encouraged to stay in touch with CrowdStrike’s customer service and monitor their communication channels.


This incident underscores the critical importance of robust update testing and rapid response mechanisms in cybersecurity. While CrowdStrike’s proactive measures are a step in the right direction, the incident highlights the need for vigilance and preparedness in handling unforeseen software issues.

For more detailed information, you can visit the official statement from CrowdStrike here.

Three Ways To Elevate Your Business Success

When running your own business, you should always be on the lookout for your next opportunity to grow. This will enable you to stay ahead of your competitors and become a leader in your industry while also increasing your revenue quite considerably. 

With that in mind, here are three ways in which you can begin to elevate your business success. 

Three Ways To Elevate Your Business Success
Three Ways To Elevate Your Business Success

Invest in the best equipment.

When first starting in the business world, you’ll likely look for ways to cut costs wherever possible. After all, this helps you to preserve your budget and can help you to increase your revenue. However, there are some aspects of your business that you should be willing to invest in, such as business tools and equipment.

For example, if you need to carry out underwater surveying and mapping, investing in products such as a side scan sonar can make the entire process much more straightforward and less time-consuming. Furthermore, it also means that your results are more accurate than if you were using outdated equipment or tools. As such, investing in this kind of equipment will bring forth a much greater ROI for your business.

Take care of your employees.

Taking care of your employees and ensuring their needs are met within the workplace is another great way to take your business from strength to strength. After all, when employees feel respected within the workplace, they’re likely to work harder. This means that you may notice productivity and efficiency rates skyrocket or that you reach targets much quicker than expected. It also means you won’t have to deal with too much employee turnover, which can also help to protect your bottom line. 

Fortunately, there are many ways in which you can begin to take better care of your employees. For example, you can use technology to your advantage and automate specific tasks or duties, reducing their workload quite considerably. This way, they do not feel overworked or burnt out. Additionally, you should provide them with access to plenty of growth opportunities, whether this be through on-site mentoring or training courses. This will help them take the next steps in your career, but the more skilled your team is, the better your business will perform, meaning it’s a mutually beneficial endeavour!  

Listen to your customers. 

While the phrase “the customer is always right” often sends shivers through the spine of anyone who has worked in customer service, it is crucial that you take the time to really listen to your customers when running a business. 

As such, moving forward, you should place a real emphasis on good customer service, both in-person and over the phone. After all, “81% of customers say that a positive customer service experience is what pushes them to make another purchase.” Furthermore, you should ask for regular feedback from your customers, whether this be through email or by hosting focus groups. You can take this feedback on board to make meaningful changes that strengthen your relationship and improve your business practices.