Tag Archives: community engagement

The Gadget Man General Election Special Part One – We Love Hitchin Interviews – Alistair Strathern Labour Party Candidate for Hitchin Constituency

The We Love Hitchin Interviews 2024 were conducted by Gadget Man, Matt Porter, who is also the founder of We Love Hitchin.

Matt took the initiative to interview each candidate running for the Hitchin Constituency in the General Election, providing an in-depth look at their visions and plans for the community.

You can view the interview below or listen to the podcast episode by clicking the play-head above.

Introduction and Background

The interview kicked off with Matt Porter, the Founder of We Love Hitchin, welcoming Alistair Strathern. Alistair shared insights into his background and explained why he decided to run for this seat. His motivations are rooted in a deep commitment to the community and a desire to bring meaningful change to Hitchin.

Key Issues Discussed

Cost of Living Crisis Alistair addressed the pressing issue of the cost of living crisis, outlining his plans to alleviate economic pressures on Hitchin residents. He emphasized the importance of creating a sustainable economic environment that supports all citizens.

NHS and Healthcare Healthcare was another major topic. Alistair spoke passionately about his vision for improving NHS services, ensuring that healthcare is accessible and efficient for everyone in the constituency.

Economy Discussing the economy, Alistair highlighted strategies for economic growth and stability. His plans focus on supporting local businesses and creating job opportunities to boost the local economy.

Climate Change and Environment On environmental issues, Alistair shared his approach to tackling climate change and promoting sustainability. His vision includes implementing green initiatives and supporting eco-friendly policies.

Crime Alistair also talked about measures to enhance safety and reduce crime in Hitchin. He stressed the need for a robust policing strategy and community engagement to create a safer environment.

Housing Addressing housing issues, Alistair discussed his plans to increase affordable housing and improve living conditions for all residents. He highlighted the importance of providing quality housing to support a thriving community.

Roads Infrastructure and road maintenance were also on the agenda. Alistair outlined his proposals for improving the condition of roads and ensuring better connectivity within Hitchin.

Community Questions

Public Ownership of Water Companies Andrea, a community member, asked about Alistair’s stance on bringing water companies back into public ownership. Alistair expressed his support for this move, emphasizing the importance of keeping essential resources under public control.

AI Safety Martin raised concerns about artificial intelligence and its safe use. Alistair acknowledged the potential risks of AI and advocated for stringent regulations to ensure it is used responsibly.

Gaza War and Palestine Recognition Nyland and Lauren asked about providing assistance in the Gaza conflict and recognizing Palestine as an independent state. Alistair shared his views on international policy and humanitarian aid, emphasizing the need for a balanced and compassionate approach.

Support for Special Needs Children Vanessa and Nicola, who have special needs children, asked about support for SEN families. Alistair pledged to improve resources and funding for special needs education and social care, aiming to provide better support for these vulnerable families.

Closing Remarks

In his closing remarks, Alistair Strathern appealed to the voters, highlighting his dedication to representing Hitchin and addressing its key issues. He urged the community to vote for him on the 4th of July, promising to work tirelessly for a fairer and more inclusive future.

Election Results for Hitchin Constituency 2024

The General Election results for the Hitchin Constituency have been announced. Here are the final tallies:

  • Bim Afolami (The Conservative Party Candidate): 14,958 votes
  • Charles Bunker (Reform UK): 6,760 votes
  • Sid Cordle (Christian Peoples Alliance): 181 votes
  • Will Lavin (Green Party): 2,631 votes
  • Chris Lucas (Liberal Democrats): 4,913 votes
  • Alistair Strathern (Labour Party): 23,067 votes – Elected

Congratulations to Alistair Strathern MP, the newly elected Member of Parliament for Hitchin! His victory marks a significant shift in the constituency, and we look forward to seeing his plans for Hitchin come to fruition.

Watch and Listen

Don’t miss the full interview with Alistair Strathern! Watch it on our YouTube channel and listen to the podcast episode available on all major platforms. Your support and engagement help us bring more insightful content and coverage of important local issues.

Stay tuned for more updates and interviews on The Gadget Man and don’t forget to like, comment, and subscribe.

Gadget Man – Episode 175 – The Copper Switch Off: A Necessary Evil or a Step too Far?

This morning, I had an enlightening discussion with Tammy Gooding on BBC Radio Hereford and Worcester regarding the ongoing broadband infrastructure enhancements, particularly in light of the Copper Switch-off as announced by Openreach. This move is all about transitioning from the traditional copper wire systems to a more robust and faster digital infrastructure, aiming to future-proof our towns and villages.

However, not everyone seems to be on board with this tech transition, as exemplified by the recent uproar in the picturesque Worcestershire village of Broadway. The crux of the matter unfurled as broadband poles started sprouting up, much to the dismay of the local populace. It seems Full Fibre, the provider spearheading this initiative, hit a nerve when their wooden poles, standing tall at up to 11 meters, started altering the village skyline.

The discontent among the residents morphed into a full-blown protest, with nearly 80 individuals rallying to halt the erection of these broadband poles in Avrill Close. The agitation escalated when a 75-year-old villager, David Owen, took a stance quite literally by spending more than four hours in one of the lorries brought in by the contractors.

This brings us to the question – is the infrastructural overhaul a necessary leap towards a digital future or an imposition disregarding the public sentiment? I tend to lean towards the necessity of upgrading our digital infrastructure, especially when the world is rapidly shifting towards a more connected existence. The Copper Switch off, as discussed on Openreach’s blog post, is a significant stride towards ensuring that the UK’s telecommunications infrastructure is not left in the digital dust.

The saga in Broadway sheds light on the teething issues that such infrastructural transitions entail. On one side, we have Full Fibre asserting their commitment to addressing concerns and emphasizing the critical nature of their work in upgrading the UK’s digital skeleton. On the flip side, the residents feel slighted, their concerns seemingly brushed under the rug, as they see these poles as nothing more than “ugly eyesores” marring their beautiful village.

Lisa Kelly, a villager, encapsulated the general sentiment by stating that they already have satisfactory broadband speeds and do not see the need for these poles. The word “disenfranchised” was used, painting a picture of a community feeling left out of a decision that directly impacts them.

The episode also invited the presence of West Mercia Police officers to ensure the situation remained under control, illustrating the extent of discord between the advancement of digital infrastructure and public approval.

These infrastructural enhancements are a double-edged sword. They promise a digital leap but at the cost of unsettling the communal harmony, at least temporarily. The Broadway scenario is a microcosm of the broader dialogue between technological advancement and community consent.

The future is exciting, but the path there should be paved with understanding and cooperation.

Truth in Ratings: How to Protect Your Business and Yourself from Fake Reviews

Fake reviews can significantly impact both businesses and consumers, distorting the perception of products, services, and brands. They can artificially inflate or deflate ratings and can mislead potential buyers. Here are some strategies that both businesses and consumers can use to protect themselves:

Truth in Ratings: How to Protect Your Business and Yourself from Fake Reviews
Truth in Ratings: How to Protect Your Business and Yourself from Fake Reviews

For Businesses:

1. Monitor Reviews Actively: Regularly monitor and analyse reviews for patterns that may indicate fraudulent activity, such as a sudden influx of positive or negative reviews.

2. Utilise Review Verification Services: There are third-party services designed to verify the authenticity of reviews. They can help in filtering out suspicious or inauthentic feedback.

3. Encourage Genuine Reviews: Encourage satisfied customers to leave a review by providing easy-to-follow instructions or even offering incentives. Make sure to follow ethical guidelines in doing so.

4. Implement a Review Policy: Have a clear and transparent review policy that defines what is allowed and not allowed. Make it accessible to customers.

5. Report Fake Reviews: Major review sites often have mechanisms for reporting suspicious reviews. Be sure to make use of these systems when you notice suspicious activity.

6. Engage with Reviews: By actively responding to reviews, both positive and negative, you can often build trust with customers. If you suspect a review is fake, respond professionally, indicating your concern and how you plan to investigate.

7. Educate Your Customers: Let your customers know the importance of genuine reviews and how they can make sure their reviews are counted.

Truth in Ratings: How to Protect Your Business and Yourself from Fake Reviews
Truth in Ratings: How to Protect Your Business and Yourself from Fake Reviews

For Consumers:

1. Check Multiple Sources: Don’t rely on reviews from just one website. Look at different platforms to get a more comprehensive view.

2. Look for Verified Purchasers: Some platforms label reviews from verified purchasers. These are typically more trustworthy.

3. Analyze Review Patterns: If you see a large number of reviews with the same wording or all posted around the same time, they might be fake.

4. Be Skeptical of Extremes: Extremely positive or negative reviews might be fake, especially if they lack specific details about the product or service.

5. Use Review Analysis Tools: Some online tools can analyse reviews and provide a summary or even flag potentially fake reviews.

6. Read Both Positive and Negative Reviews: By reading a mix of positive and negative reviews, you can often get a more balanced view of a product or service.

7. Trust Your Instinct: If something doesn’t feel right, or if a review seems too good to be true, it probably is.

8. Consider Professional Reviews: If possible, look for professional, in-depth reviews from reputable sources.

9. Engage with the Community: Ask questions on forums or social media to get real opinions from real users.

By being proactive and aware, both businesses and consumers can significantly reduce the impact of fake reviews. It requires a combination of vigilance, utilizing available tools and services, and fostering a culture of authenticity and transparency.