Category Archives: Useful Articles

How to Stop Sweating the Small Stuff in Business

If you find yourself sweating over every email and panicking over pie charts, you’re not alone. But it’s time to learn the art of chilling out for the sake of your business and your sanity. Let’s break down how to keep your cool in the office and focus on what truly matters, without the stress-fest.

  1. Delegate, Don’t Dictate

You might think that you are the most competent person in the office and the best person to run your business, and you might be right, but that doesn’t mean you can or should, do everything alone. You need to delegate those tasks that someone else can do to the people who can do them best, whether it be an IT support team or a freelance writer. Don’t be a dictator and trust your employees to have your back.

  1. Automate the Irritating Bits

If a task is repetitive, then chances are it can be repeated by a machine, AI or a piece of well-written software, so let it be done that way, free up your time, and stop worrying about those irritating little things like email sorting and invoicing. The tech will do all the sweating for you!

  1. Dream Big, Plan Smart

Setting unachievable goals is like setting yourself up for a series of very public faceplants. Instead, dream big but plan realistically. Break your goals into manageable chunks. Celebrate the small victories on your way to the big win. It’ll keep morale high and the dread of failure low. And when you do hit those targets, it’ll feel like winning the business lottery.

  1. Remember Not Everything is Urgent

In the fast-paced world of business, everything can seem urgent. Spoiler alert: it’s not. Learn to prioritise tasks using the good old Eisenhower Box – divide tasks into urgent, not urgent, important, and not important. You’ll soon see that the “urgent email” from marketing about the colour of the newsletter banner can probably wait until after you’ve secured your next big client.

  1. Take a Breather. Literally

Sometimes, the best way to stop sweating is to just… stop. Take regular breaks. Step away from your desk. Stretch, take a walk, meditate – do whatever it takes to clear your mind. Remember, a clear mind leads to better decision-making, creativity, and fewer coffee-spill incidents.

  1. It’s Okay to Say No

In business, the power of saying no is criminally underrated. You don’t have to accept every project, attend every meeting, or jump on every opportunity that flies through your open office window. Sometimes, saying no is the best way to avoid unnecessary stress and keep your focus sharp on what truly matters.

  1. Keep Learning and Adapting

Nobody gets everything right the first time, or even the second time. But every misstep is a chance to learn. Stay flexible and be willing to adapt your strategies based on what works and what doesn’t. Keeping this mindset helps you view challenges as learning opportunities rather than stress-inducing disasters.

How to Stop Sweating the Small Stuff in Business

  1. Maintain a Humour-Filled Environment

Never underestimate the power of a good laugh. Maintaining a sense of humour can transform the office vibe and turn even the most stressful day into an episode of a sitcom. When you laugh, stress levels drop, and suddenly, those big scary problems don’t seem so intimidating.

  1. Develop a Strong Support Network

Build a network of peers and mentors whom you can turn to for advice, or simply to vent. Having a supportive community means you have a sounding board for your frustrations and a cheering squad for your successes. Plus, they can offer invaluable advice on how not to sweat the small stuff, because chances are, they’ve been there.

  1. Focus on Your Health

Often, the stress of not sweating the small stuff starts with how you’re feeling physically and mentally. If you’re running on empty, every little issue can seem like a mountain. Invest in your health with regular exercise, a good diet, and sufficient sleep — essentials that keep your mind sharp and your tolerance for minor annoyances high. A healthy entrepreneur is more capable of distinguishing between minor issues and real problems.

  1. Embrace Positive Distractions

Incorporate positive distractions into your daily routine to break the monotony and stress of work. This could be anything from a midday yoga session to a creative hobby that you engage in during your break. Positive distractions can refresh your mind and enhance your creativity, making you less likely to be bogged down by small annoyances.

  1. Regular Team Reviews

Hold regular sessions with your team to review workflows, processes, and ongoing projects. These meetings can help identify potential stress points and inefficiencies that may cause minor issues to become major headaches. By proactively addressing these in a collaborative environment, you encourage a team-focused approach to problem-solving, which can significantly reduce stress levels.

  1. Implement a Feedback System

Encourage a culture of feedback where employees feel comfortable sharing their concerns and suggestions. A feedback system helps in early detection of minor issues before they escalate into significant problems. It also empowers your team to contribute to solutions, which can enhance their engagement and reduce the burden on your shoulders.

  1. Master the Art of Compartmentalization

Learn to compartmentalize various aspects of your business to prevent overlap that can lead to confusion and stress. Keep client communications separate from internal project discussions, and financial planning distinct from marketing strategies. This clear segmentation helps in managing each segment more effectively without the stress of juggling multiple issues at once.

  1. Set Clear Boundaries

When you run a business, it’s really important to set clear boundaries between your working life and your personal life. This will enable you to get some respite from the hustle of the office and actually be able to decompress once in a while. So, whether it’s blocking out weekends for travel or making sure you stop work at 6 P.M no matter what, boundaries matter.

Sweating the small stuff doesn’t just ruin your suit; it hampers your ability to lead with clarity and purpose. So, chill out, strategize, and watch as you and your business start to bloom!

The Gadget Man – Episode 178: Rice, Phones, and Chili Con Carne: Debunking Tech Myths with Malcolm Boyden

In this latest episode of The Gadget Man, Matt unravels the long-standing myth about using rice to dry out wet mobile phones.

Despite its popularity, this method is debunked as ineffective and potentially harmful.

The Gadget Man - Episode 178: Rice, Phones, and Chili Con Carne: Debunking Tech Myths with Malcolm Boyden
The Gadget Man – Episode 178: Rice, Phones, and Chili Con Carne: Debunking Tech Myths with Malcolm Boyden

Apple itself has issued guidance against it, warning that rice grains can damage the device by blocking ports and causing corrosion. Instead,

Matt suggests allowing the phone to dry out naturally in a dry, airy place, highlighting modern phones’ water resistance capabilities and the importance of gentle care in case of water exposure.

Rice can damage devices
Rice can damage devices

The conversation takes a lighter turn with a humorous suggestion for the best use of rice: making chili-con-carne, adding a flavourful twist to the tech discussion.

Dropping your phone in water is now not the disaster it used to be
Dropping your phone in water is now not the disaster it used to be

This episode not only clears up a common misconception but also serves up a side of humour, making it a must-listen for tech enthusiasts and foodies alike.

Don’t forget to like, subscribe and share!

See you next time!


Drying Out the Myths: Why Rice Might Be Your iPhone’s Worst Enemy After a Swim

It’s a common myth that burying your iPhone (or other brand) in rice is the go-to solution for liquid mishaps. The theory is that rice acts as a desiccant, drawing out the moisture and saving your precious device from a watery grave. But, let’s separate the wheat from the chaff here.

Drying Out the Myths: Why Rice Might Be Your iPhone's Worst Enemy After a Swim
Drying Out the Myths: Why Rice Might Be Your iPhone’s Worst Enemy After a Swim

The reality is, while rice may absorb some moisture, it’s not the most efficient or safest method for your tech. The tiny particles of rice can be quite mischievous. They’re small enough to sneak into your iPhone’s charging port, headphone jack, or speaker grills. Once inside, they can act like mini trojan horses, potentially causing more havoc than the liquid itself.

These stowaways can interfere with your phone’s connections, leading to distorted audio or charging woes. Even worse, during the drying process, these rice particles can absorb moisture and swell, becoming lodged in the nooks and crannies of your phone’s interior, where they can cause shorts or corrode circuits.

Drying Out the Myths: Why Rice Might Be Your iPhone's Worst Enemy After a Swim
Drying Out the Myths: Why Rice Might Be Your iPhone’s Worst Enemy After a Swim

So, while it might be tempting to use rice as a DIY rescue, it’s a grain of caution to remember that the potential damage from rice particles could leave your iPhone in a real sticky situation, possibly even voiding warranties or leading to costly repairs. Trust me, it’s a whole different kind of ‘rice cooker’ scenario you want to avoid!

For the tech-savvy and the gadget lovers out there, it’s best to stick to recommended practices for drying out your device.

Drying Out the Myths: Why Rice Might Be Your iPhone's Worst Enemy After a Swim
Drying Out the Myths: Why Rice Might Be Your iPhone’s Worst Enemy After a Swim

Apple advises against using external heat sources or compressed air and suggests gently tapping the phone against your hand with the Lightning connector facing down to remove excess liquid. Keep it upright and let it air dry in a well-ventilated place. And if you’re unsure, it’s always wise to consult with a professional who can handle your device with the care it deserves. After all, your iPhone is more sushi-grade tech, not something to be tossed into the rice bowl!

How You Can Make Your Business Capture Attention at Trade Shows

One of the biggest things you need to keep in mind when running your business is that there will be times when you’ll have to use other marketing means. This means that you’ll have to go outside of online marketing, such as social media, and on top of that, there are other factors, too, such as getting others within your industry to know that you exist. 

So, with that said, trade shows are one of the best ways to get known by those within your industry, but when it comes to all of this, it’s going to be vital to make it count. So, with that said, you absolutely need to get heads turning so your time at a trade show isn’t a complete waste, and the booths that stand out are the ones that are most successful. So, with that said, here’s how you can make your business capture more attention at trade shows!

Eye Catching Display 

This is the first step, and honestly, this is likely going to be the most important step, too. If you want people to stop by, then it needs to grab their attention, and a visually appealing booth is the way to go. You’ll need to Invest in a professional and eye-catching display that reflects your brand identity. Ideally, you’ll want to use bold colours, high-quality graphics, and of course, you will definitely need some clear signage- since this is all going to make your booth visually striking.

Interactive Displays

Honestly, a giant neon sign isn’t going to be enough, and you can’t expect this to be enough, either. The whole point is to engage people and make them want to interact with you, so you need to ensure that your displays are interactive, but there’s something for the audience to do. 

Ideally, you will want to allow attendees to experience your offerings firsthand, creating a memorable and immersive experience. There are a lot of ways to fo this, such as games interactive screens, or you can even use VR equipment hire to make it extra immersive. Honestly, with these, hte more you think outside the box, the better. 

Technology is Your Friend

In general, it’s every one’s friend, but it’s going to be your best friend during events like this. Ideally, you might want to consider incorporating touchscreens, virtual reality experiences, or augmented reality displays to showcase your products in innovative ways. In general, you can definitely count on technology to create a buzz and attract tech-savvy attendees.

Give Out Freebies

This could be the beloved swag bags that everyone loves getting or even something like a free t-shirt, but in general, this is strongly recommended. So, why not offer attractive giveaways or promotional items that align with your brand? Make sure these items are both useful and unique (so it’s best to skip out on generic logo pens), creating a positive association with your company. Plus, you need to keep in mind that attendees are more likely to stop by a booth that offers something in return.

Key Things Businesses With Remote Employees Need To Succeed

Engaging remote employees is both an opportunity and a challenge for businesses in today’s digital world. The modern workplace has evolved significantly to accommodate new technologies, mobile connectivity, and alternative working environments. As such, it’s no secret that many businesses around the world now rely heavily on their remote employees to maintain productivity and keep up with the competition. But what exactly do companies need to ensure success when managing dispersed teams?

Establish Clear Communication Policies & Guidelines

Clear communication policies and guidelines are essential for any business that has remote employees. Without them, it is easy for employees to get confused about deadlines and be unclear about expectations. Having a written set of rules helps everyone stay on the same page and move forward together, no matter where people are located geographically.

Invest In Relevant Technology

Investing in the right technology is essential for businesses with remote employees. Having an IT system that can be accessed from anywhere is crucial for success; this allows workers to remain productive and collaborative even when they are not physically present in the office. Furthermore, depending on the size of their remote workforce, businesses should consider investing in external IT support services. This can help to ensure that any technical issues can be promptly solved without compromising productivity or performance.

Encourage Cross-Team Collaboration

With more remote employees than ever, many businesses are struggling with encouraging collaboration and communication between teams. Keeping everyone on the same page is vital to success, but since people are often physically separated, it can be difficult to ensure that knowledge is shared and everyone feels included. To foster cross-team collaboration virtually, businesses should consider adopting a collaborative project management platform to work together in real-time.

Prioritise Workplace Happiness & Well-Being

Many businesses with remote employees miss out on one key ingredient for success: prioritising workplace happiness and well-being. Feeling appreciated and respected by their employers is the foundation for most employees’ satisfaction and motivation to do their job. Research shows that improving employee well-being leads to higher engagement levels, the feeling of safety at work, increased morale and productivity, reduced conflicts, better problem-solving abilities, and improved performance.

Develop A Remote Work Culture

Knowing how to motivate and engage your remote employees is key for businesses with distributed teams. An important step towards effectively embracing remote work is developing a set of values and protocols to build a company culture based on open communication, trust, accountability, and security. When done right, it results in a workforce that’s more connected than ever before and allows everyone to feel part of the team. Workplace culture doesn’t have to be limited to employees who are physically present; it can be extended to everyone, regardless of where they work.

Working remotely can be a huge benefit, but it may also require some extra effort and management to ensure your remote team works as efficiently as possible. Overall, with the right planning ahead of time, your remote working setup can be extremely successful from day one and give everyone the space they need to do their best work.

A Quick Guide to Creating a Productive Mobile Workforce By Leveraging Technology

The modern workplace is evolving. With the advent of smartphones, tablets, and other mobile devices, more and more employees are working from home or on the go. This presents a unique challenge for business owners: how can you create a productive mobile workforce without sacrificing security or efficiency? This blog post will explore ways to leverage technology to help your employees work productively from anywhere.

Use an MDM Solution and Implement 2-Factor Authentication:

A mobile device management solution will allow you to manage and control employee mobile devices remotely. This can be useful for a number of reasons, including enforcing security policies, managing apps and content, and remotely wiping data in the event that a device is lost or stolen.

A Quick Guide to Creating a Productive Mobile Workforce By Leveraging Technology
A Quick Guide to Creating a Productive Mobile Workforce By Leveraging Technology

Two-factor authentication (2FA) is an additional layer of security that can be used to protect sensitive data. With 2FA, employees must provide two different pieces of information in order to access corporate data. This could include a password and a one-time code generated by an app on their phone.

Invest in Servers and Use Encryption:

Investing in server infrastructure can be expensive, but it is worth it to maintain security and control over corporate data, so start finding affordable computer server sales. By having your own servers, you can more easily monitor and manage access to sensitive data. Additionally, you can encrypt data at rest and in transit to further protect it from being accessed by unauthorized individuals.

A virtual private network (VPN) can be used to create a secure connection between an employee’s device and the corporate network. This is useful for ensuring that sensitive data is not intercepted when it is being transmitted over the internet. Additionally, a VPN can be used to give employees access to internal resources that they would not otherwise have access to, such as file servers and printers.

Use Collaboration Tools:

There are a number of collaboration tools available that can be used to improve communication and productivity among employees. These tools include video conferencing, chat apps, and project management software.

Video conferencing can be used for meetings, training, and other events. It is a great way to stay connected with employees who are working remotely. Chat apps can be used for real-time communication and collaboration. They are typically less formal than email and can be useful for quickly sharing ideas or files. Project management software can be used to keep track of tasks, deadlines, and assigned employees.

Provide Flexible Work Arrangements:

One of the best ways to support a productive mobile workforce is to provide flexible work arrangements. This could include allowing employees to work from home on certain days, providing them with flexible hours, or giving them the ability to take breaks when they need to. Flexible work arrangements can help employees feel more engaged and productive. They also provide a number of benefits for businesses, such as reduced absenteeism and improved morale.

There are a number of ways to leverage technology to create a productive mobile workforce. By investing in the right tools and solutions, you can improve communication, collaboration, and overall productivity. Additionally, by providing flexible work arrangements, you can further support your employees’ productivity.

How To Reduce Delays In Your Small Business

Let’s face it, delays suck. It’s vital that you do your best to avoid delays in your small business, as hits to productivity can lead to weakening customer satisfaction and potentially even damage to your reputation. There’s no time like the present to get started on working to reduce delays, and thankfully this guide has made it easier than ever to remain at the top of your game. So, if you’re ready to learn more, then simply read on! 

Make An Effort To Motivate Your Team 

Without your team, your small business simply wouldn’t be where it is today, so it’s essential that you can take the opportunity to encourage your staff to reach their full potential every shift if you’re going to stand any chance of achieving success. One of the best ways to motivate your team is by implementing goals that, once passed, will be rewarded with something attractive like an extra day’s vacation or even a £50 voucher. Make sure that you use attractive rewards, as making the mistake of undervaluing your team’s contributions could have the opposite effect and cause them to feel uninterested and no longer committed to their work. A motivated team is a productive one, so delays will certainly be a thing of the past when your staff are more inspired than ever before!

Find Reliable Suppliers That You Can Trust 

Another key step that you should certainly consider following if you want to reduce delays within your small business is to find reliable suppliers that you can trust. It can be so disappointing when your supplier lets you down, as this will no doubt have a knock-on effect that causes masses of delays that could have easily been avoided had you used a more responsible supplier. Fortunately, it can be easy to find an alternative option when you take the time to read reviews online, as you’ll be able to locate a great supplier that boasts lots of 5-star ratings for reliability that will put your mind at ease. Make sure they are implementing a good level of supply chain cyber security whenever you seek out a new supplier, as digital safety is another key feature when you’re seeking to minimise delays. 

Make A Plan 

Throwing yourself in at the deep end without any sense of direction will no doubt lead your small business into disarray, so it’s always a good idea to make a plan if you want to avoid delays and stay as productive as possible. Make a plan that includes key dates and deadlines that you need to stick to, along with any important tasks or commitments that either you or your team need to focus on in the coming days and weeks. Be sure to jot down anything important, as forgetting something vital will no doubt lead to unnecessary delays. 

Reducing delays in your small business has never been so easy when you can utilise the tips and tricks detailed in this informative guide!

What is a pip in forex trading?

Are you currently learning the ropes in the foreign exchange market? You’ve picked a great place to start trading for several reasons. It’s become the biggest financial market in the world , lots of opportunities to trade 24/7, high liquidity, plus comparatively low entry costs.

The aim of the game is relatively simple too. By trading two currencies, you’ll try to predict if the value of one will increase or decrease compared to the other, based on supply and demand. Plus, it’s easy to get started as a forex trader, with modern platforms allowing you to sign up from your smartphone in minutes.

That being said, it’s still likely you’ll lose out if you don’t do your research. There are several terms and ideas to get to grips with – including ‘pips’. Below we break down this idea and highlight why it’s important you understand it and other core forex concepts.

What is a pip in forex trading?
What is a pip in forex trading?

What is a pip?

You’ll typically see a pip defined as the smallest movement the exchange rate between two currencies can make. Most currency pairs are quoted to the fourth decimal place, with one pip being one positive or negative change in the fourth number after the decimal point. If a currency pair is quoted to the second decimal place, one pip would be an increase or decrease in the second number after the decimal point, and so on.

You may see some pairs quoted in fractional pips, which includes an extra decimal place for more precise pricing. Pips are also sometimes referred to as points because they relate to decimal points.

It’s a simple concept in theory, but knowing what it means in practice will save you any confusion when planning and making your trades.

Why it’s important to understand key trading terms

Almost 1.8 million Brits became day traders for the first time during the pandemic. But while it’s not difficult to see the appeal, you should bear in mind there is significant risk involved if you lack a strong foundation of knowledge before investing your money.

It’s important to understand topics such as pip pricing, as well as trading strategies and how the broader market works. The forex market is heavily driven by the macroeconomic performance of individual countries and investor confidence, which can shift in unexpected ways from one hour to the next.

Success in forex trading requires long-term commitment too, as well as the mental strength to cope with bad results. Sometimes the market will buck the trend and surprise you, and even the most experienced traders regularly lose out.

Still, while forex trading isn’t for everyone, its popularity shows there is success to be had. Now you’ve got to grips with pips, what can you enhance your knowledge of next?

Three Benefits Of Hiring IT Professionals For Your Business

Have you been thinking about hiring an IT professional for your business? If the answer is yes, then why haven’t you done it yet? You should really have already started this process, or already have someone on board. A lot of companies think that not hiring an IT professional is a way for them to save money, but really all you are doing is compromising your business. In this article, we’re going to look at three of the benefits of hiring professional IT personnel for your business, so keep reading if you would like to find out more.

Expert Knowledge

The first benefit that you get when you hire an IT professional is that you gain their expert knowledge. This means that if there is an issue, or if you need advice about anything to do with the tech side of life, they are your go-to person. It’s always handy to have someone who knows what they are doing, and can offer you advice that comes from knowledge rather than guesses or estimations. For example, if you need a little more information about data migration for you to be able to fully understand it, you can talk to your IT team about that. 

You will find their knowledge invaluable, especially with tech becoming more essential to business by the day.

Keep Your Technology In Good Condition

Another benefit of hiring an IT professional for your business is that they will help to keep your technology in good condition. If it needs an update, they will make sure that it gets an update. If it needs clearing out because the hidden files are full of things you don’t need, or the recycling bin is full and it’s starting to slow your devices down, they will take care of this too. Anything that has to do with the maintenance of devices or any kind of tech, and they will be able to help.

Minimal Downtime

The final, and arguably the most important benefit is that you will be able to minimise downtime if there is an issue. What we mean by this is that if one of your systems goes down and this stops the whole business from working, then someone will be on this the second that it happens. If you don’t have an IT professional, then you have to call in someone from the outside world. The more downtime your business has, the more profits that you stand to lose, and this is simply not something that you can afford.

Hopefully, you have found this article helpful, and now see some of the benefits of hiring an IT professional for your business. We highly recommend that you do this if you run a small business, because if you don’t and something goes wrong, you could be waiting hours, or even days for someone to be available to help you. Don’t let your business have this much downtime as you stand to lose a lot. Good luck, and make sure you get someone on your team ASAP.

Top Tips for Travelling with Tech

No matter where you go you will always see other people using all modes of technology. You’ll even be using it yourself to board your plane, book your accommodation, even pay your bills while you’re away with stored credit card details. You are likely going to bring your phone with you, your tablet, and the chances are high that you’re going to bring a high-tech camera wherever you go. While it’s a nice idea that you can go on holiday and leave your technology at home, it’s not always practical.

Top Tips for Travelling with Tech
Top Tips for Travelling with Tech

The thing is, if you are travelling with technology, you need to make sure that you can keep it safe. It’s always useful to have technology on hand if you’re in a new place. Using a mapbox matrix API to be able to plan your day-to-day route when you’re travelling around a new place is helpful, but if your phone gets stolen what are you supposed to do? Electronic devices can be very useful, but you have to charge them and keep them with you at all times so that you can travel safely. Here are some of the things that you need to know about travelling with technology.

  • You’re going to need mobile phone signals and Internet access. There is no use in carrying your technology with you if you can’t connect to anything. If you’re using digital cameras to video your holiday, you want to be able to plug it into your laptop and send your videos or blogs over the airwaves. There’s no point in bringing electronic devices if you can’t connect to the Internet, so prepare for using your mobile phone abroad, your tablet and your laptop on your trip and research connectivity before you go.
  • Check your Internet security. If you’re bringing your technology into foreign places that have a Wi-Fi connection, you’re putting yourself at risk. You should never use a public Wi-Fi if you want to keep the information on your phone, your tablet, your laptop and even your camera safe. Public Wi-Fi does not protect you from being hacked, and anybody nearby with the appropriate equipment can log into any of your devices and steal your information. The best thing you can do here is to set up a trip-only email address to use while you travel, and arm yourself with a VPN.
  • Plan ahead for airport security. No matter what technology you are travelling with, you will have to take it out of your bag and scan it through security so that the airline can see what’s going on before you get on the plane. Security screeners have to examine your computer to make sure that there’s nothing on it that’s dangerous. Take everything out of the cases and make sure that you can grab them swiftly from your bags and leave them out onto the security belt.
  • Don’t forget to insure it. Insurance is important if you’re bringing technology with you on holiday. If it gets stolen or lost, you want to be able to claim on said insurance. Standard travel insurance and device cover should help.