Tag Archives: Live Stream

3D Printing Live Stream – Star Wars Chessboard Project – Episode 5 – Four Corners (FAILED)

I’m currently in the process of a big 3D Printing project for a special gift. It’s a bit of a mammoth undertaking, but when complete, should be really lovely. More about the project later!

I’m cleaning my 3d printer bed with Prosan Alcohol Spray which is a 100% Isopropanol / Isopropyl Spray which is working out brilliantly!

In the meantime, experience the joy of 10 hours of  Failure of 4.5 hours 3D Printing!


Preview of Chessboard in Tinkercad
Preview of Chessboard in Tinkercad
Episode 5 - Layout on 3d Printer
Episode 5 – Layout on 3d Printer
Episode 5 - Layout on 3d Printer (Sliced ready)
Episode 5 – Layout on 3d Printer (Sliced ready)

Apple WWDC 2016 Watch Party comes to Adastral Park

Following successful events featuring Microsoft and Google, Coderus and Innovation Martlesham are hosting the Apple WWDC Watch Party at Adastral Park in Ipswich, sponsored by BT and the IP Network.

The event is being held at the John Bray Lecture Theatre on
Monday 13th June 2016 from 4.30pm – 9pm and features Apple demos and the chance to network, the live streamed Keynote starts at 6pm with a panel discussion at 7.45pm with the event wrapping up at 9pm.

We’re told that places are limited and registration closes on
12th June 2016, so if you are interested in attending you will need to REGISTER soon!

This is a FREE event, but because Adastral Park is a secure site attendance is by registration only. Upon registration attendees will be issued a security pass, which must be shown on arrival.

4.30 – Door Open
4.45 – Apple Demos & Networking
5.45 – Move to Auditoium
6.00 – Keynote Presentations (Live Stream)
7.30 – Keynote Finish (subject to change) – break
7.45 – Panel Discussion
9.00 – Close

To register for the event, click HERE or contact Coderus to discuss your requirements.