Category Archives: Scams

Gadget Man – Episode 166 – Is that really you? Three ways to avoid phishing email, the audio version

Following up on my previous blog post avoiding phishing emails, I present the audio version, but is it really me at all?

Tune in and listen, and do let me know what you think?

See you next time!

Stay Safe, Matt


The Gadget Man – Episode 118 – Facebook Hacking Scams Explained

Not a day passes without one of our Facebook friends informing us of the hacking attempts, breached accounts or worse. Most of this information is incorrect, but of course, it is good for people to remain vigilant at all times.

I spoke to James Hazell on BBC Radio Suffolk about Facebook ‘hacks’ and explained the reality that most of these are false.

A great place to check for spam and chain letters is Snopes, they are a great resource and of course spending 5 minutes investigating whether something is true or not, stops false information spreading.

Snopes has made a very informative video explaining this and many other scams, you can read about it here

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