Category Archives: Drones

The Gadget Man – Episode 27 – Parrot Jumping Sumo Minidrone

This week we have lots of fun in the studio with the Parrot Jumping Sumo Mini Drone.

Packed FULL of sensors and technology including a spring which can be fired on demand to propel the Sumo into the air, this is a really cool Christmas gift for your over 14 year old.

You can control the Jumping Sumo using a smartphone app for iPhone, Android and Windows Phone. This allows for full control over the  Jumping Sumo similar to a remote control vehicle.

You can also build a road map within the map so the bot can perform a pre-programmed display.

It’s all great fun and can be bought for just over £100.

Thanks to Steve Puddle for his help organising the loan of the Jumping Sumo

Parrot AR.Drone 2.0 Power Edition, how high can your expectations fly?

Look anywhere in the news at the moment and you can be sure to find something written about ‘Drones’. Be it military, commercial or one of the many models aimed at the home market. The drone we have for review is the Parrot AR.Drone 2.0. Continue reading Parrot AR.Drone 2.0 Power Edition, how high can your expectations fly?