Category Archives: Christmas

The Gadget Man – Episode 75 – Self balancing two wheeled board

Hover boardThis week we chatted about the Self balancing two wheeled board’s that are currently very popular. You might know them as Hoverboards, Segways, Balance Boards, Monorovers etc. This is because the device is being manufactured by ‘copycat’ companies in the Far East and is being marketed under a whole host of different names in the UK alone.

It takes a bit of time to get used to riding the board, but once you get it, you are away. It’s great for smooth surfaces, not so good on bumpy ones.

Listen in to the audio stream to find out all about it. Lots of video shortly.

Thanks you a million times to Charles Claughton for the loan of the board, he is indeed a star!


The Gadget Man – Episode 73 – Halloween Ideas from Digital Dudz at Morph Suits

This morning I chatted to Mark about some Halloween and Christmas costume ideas from Morph Suits.

I was sent three different costumes ideas, the first was Cyclops Mask (available here) which aside from being a very well made full head mask, also had the added feature of fully animated eye which is achieved by slotting your mobile device into a special slot about the eye socket whilst running the Digital Dudz app for iPhone or Android.  When inserted, you can then centre the eye in its socket and pinch to zoom in and out to get the right size and positioning.


As you can see from the photos and video above, the effect is amazing and a little disturbing, but a fantastic use of technology all the same.

The second and third costume items where a clown t-shirt and Christmas jumper. The clown t-shirt has a hidden slot on the front which allows for the insertion of a mobile phone with the same app running. This gives another really spooky twist to Halloween costumes! The Christmas jumper allows the insertion of a mobile phone above the photo of a Gingerbread Man, again running the app, the Gingerbread man is slowly devoured!!

The Clown T-Shirt can be purchased by clicking this link and the Gingerbread Jumper at this link. You can browse the entire range of Morph Suit clothing here.

There’s still time to order your Halloween costumes in time for this weekend at